Jackie O pictured at almost 6 months of age. |
We are VERY happy to present you our new STAR a beautiful Boston terrier girl with the names JACKIE O - Her official name is "Ukske v. Trajanus" bred by family Jacobs out of USA Ch. Lumberjack's Jim Jammin at Chesswynns Palooza imp USA and Heidy Tessa v. Trajanus. We can't thank the family Jacobs enough for letting their pick of the litter live with us to show and hopefully breed a litter in the future. With JACKIE O we could not ask for a better start. And also a big thank you to Mieke Cooijmans (v. Tani Kazari) for the information about this fantastic breed. Watch for her in the ring with Arie or Tony. |
27 jan 2013
We Proudly Present JACKIE O
NWA Open Show 2019 (entry 90)
*Best In Show, Best Dog, Best Puppy In Show. *Reserve Best In Show, Best Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Junior *Best In Show Veteran, Bes...

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