15 feb 2012

Spencer on the move.....

This fantastic picture was made at the Amsterdam Winner Show where Spencer won exc. 1 JUNIOR winner A’dam 2011 + res. CAC under respected judge Mr. Magnus Hagstedt from Sweden.

 FCI standard Whippet:

Perfectly free action. In profile should move with a long easy stride, maintaining the topline.
The forelegs should be thrown well forward and low over the ground, hindlegs should come well under the body giving great and powerful drive.
General movement not to be stilted, high stepping, short or mincing. True coming and going.

NWA Open Show 2019 (entry 90)

*Best In Show, Best Dog, Best Puppy In Show. *Reserve Best In Show, Best Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Junior *Best In Show Veteran, Bes...