20 apr 2014

James grandson wins CAC in Germany

And again a James grandson did very well in the ring this time at a CAC show in Germany - "Quinn" Xiomara Sorry For Party Rockin' won his first CAC under judge Mrs. Gadolin from Sweden. Br: Alex Maranon Own: Doris & Bärbel Kleineberg/Rottmann & Steven Esposti. Fantastic to see that also the next generation has so much quality and we can now say James is a fantastic producer.

Pedigree: http://thewhippetarchives.net/details.php?id=164388

14 apr 2014

James grandson: Multi Group Winning MBPIS/MBPIG GCh ErosN Ethos Dangerous Liaison

A top winner in Canada - Pedigree: http://thewhippetarchives.net/details.php?id=163960

Junior CAC for James granddaughter

The lovely James granddaughter (her sire is Taylor's brother) Amazing Grace Fancy That pictured winning junior class and junior cac in Germany last weekend!! Congrats to owners and breeder - Pedigree: http://thewhippetarchives.net/details.php?id=185696
Pictured above her lovely sire and James son Legend of the Golden Rain Lord Windsor.

NWA Open Show 2019 (entry 90)

*Best In Show, Best Dog, Best Puppy In Show. *Reserve Best In Show, Best Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Junior *Best In Show Veteran, Bes...