28 feb 2014

Jackie O on the move at the Dog of the Year Show:

Taylor on the move at the DOG OF THE YEAR SHOW.

Jackie O and Naomi

Jackie O (right) and her best friend and handler Naomi van Mourik pictured at the dog of the year show where they made it to to final six in FCI group 10 in tough competition (31 toys in total) !!! Thank you judge Mrs. Stuifbergen-Hoetjes.

Taylor #2 Whippet Holland 2013

Our young star and group placer TAYLOR aka Legend of the Golden Rain STRPKR at GF finished the year 2013 as THE NUMBER TWO Whippet bitch in Holland. A big thank you to all judges who recognized her qualities.

26 feb 2014


The king at StripPoker "JAMES" looking better than ever... Sire of multiple champions world wide.....


Pictured our visitor from France multi Champion Gary Cooper des Hauts de Massanne bred and owned by Ludovic Gerona. "Gargamel" is the future of StripPoker's first Boston Terrier litter.
Pictured after winning res.cac/ib under Mrs. M Heine from Germany.

James son JJ 21 months

Pictured above the JAMES son Twin Hills JJ (x Twin Hills Jasmine) bred and owned by Pekka Nykopp, Sweden.

James daughter BOB in USA

The lovely James daughter Vesper (x Ch. Coreymore Here Comes The Sun) won BEST OF BREED in the USA. She is bred and owned by Kim Harwood. Vesper is very close to finish her American title and that would be James' 7th champion in the USA.

25 feb 2014


Taylor was also nominated for this special show and showed like a dream but was not placed today. But very proud to have two of our dogs at this event.


Super Team Arie, Naomi, Tony & Hanneke

Pictured with with best friend and super handler Naomi van Mourik

Our super star Jackie O was nominated for this show with her Nat'l BISS win and she did great. Mrs. Stuifbergen selected her out of a very strong and large (31) group 9 (FCI) and made it to the last 6 top toys.

18 feb 2014

Elmo - Ch. StripPoker's Schöne Blaue Donau JW'06 TOP STUD for the 3rd year in Norway.

N. Ch. StripPoker's Schöne Blaue Donau* JW'06 
(Ch. Fiefoerniek's Franki Frangipani x Caeles Me Myself and I)

2009: #4 stud of the year in breed rankings 
2010: #1 stud of the year in breed rankings, 3 of the top 10 IGs in Norway where his offspring (#2, #4 & #8)
 2011: #1 stud of the year, breed rankings, sire of the #1 IG of the year in club and KC ranking. 
2012: #2 stud of the year breed rankings, sire of the #1 IG of the year in club and KC rankings 
 2013: #1 stud of the year in breed rankings, sire of the # 1 IG of the year in club and KC rankings

Very proud that this great little man from our first IG (and total of 4 litters) litter is making history as a sire and now TOP sire Norway for three years and sire of 6 champions. 

*Owner: Caeles Italian greyhounds.

13 feb 2014

Ch. Woodbrook's Askme Howifeel - "James" - Another true gentleman

What a nice to surprise to see a lovely article about our James - #one Whippet, Group winning USA&NL Ch. Woodbrooks Askme Howifee W'10'11 featured at Austrian blog; Kiddy&Hazel Whippet- und Hundegeschichten und vieles mehr. To read it click here

NWA Open Show 2019 (entry 90)

*Best In Show, Best Dog, Best Puppy In Show. *Reserve Best In Show, Best Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Junior *Best In Show Veteran, Bes...